Marine Court, St. Leonards-on-Sea

Marine Court, St. Leonards-on-Sea
... along the prom ...

Thursday 3 May 2012

The Things Men do with Ladders... Again: Picture of the Week for 3 May 2012

How not to fix the street lamp...
Who has the keys to that truck? And is the handbrake reliable?

Hope he remembered to return the timber to the site...

Well, once again not my photo. I have an excuse of sorts. No interesting work to photograph this week, the company have recently been concentrating on several client's drainage problems, and drains do not often make great subject matter for interesting pictures.

Bad weather for shooting much else - April was so wet that the grass in the garden is approaching knee height and is far too wet to cut. If it gets much taller, maybe we can rent the garden out for tiger hunting...

And under a newly invented sub-heading, "Things men do Without Ladders," we have the following...

Electrical safety?
Not certain if he's fixing it or has just got his leg stuck. Either way, he needs a ladder..!

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