Marine Court, St. Leonards-on-Sea

Marine Court, St. Leonards-on-Sea
... along the prom ...

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Sunset, El Nil - Picture of the week for 4 April 2012

El Nil has been Egypt's most important thoroughfare for millennia. It remains vital to modern Egyptians, quite apart from the tourist vessels which carry visitors from Cairo to Aswan, providing jobs and income for some of the locals. Whether the shipping is ancient or modern, the River remains beautiful.

 The sailing boats are felucca, traditionally used for fishing, transporting goods and today also for tourists. The Felucca is generally a smaller vessel than the sea-going dhows which ply the oceans between the Red Sea and India, though Feluccas are used in the Red Sea and also the Mediterranean.

Photographs taken from a second floor balcony overlooking the river at Luxor (2006).

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