Marine Court, St. Leonards-on-Sea

Marine Court, St. Leonards-on-Sea
... along the prom ...

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Crater Pass Bridge, Aden, Update and Picture of the Week for 26 February 2013

Political unrest which began last week in Aden means the builders of Aden have to postpone their efforts to reconstruct the old bridge. However their survey work was completed and they just need the situation to become calm again so they can continue their efforts to finish this great project.

These two photographs show the rocks below the old bridge and the view up the mountain from the top of the bridge. They were taken by my father, John Gilbert, in about 1960, unfortunately when he had a brief craze for a Polaroid camera, so the image quality is inferior to the previous picture of the bridge, posted before.  The rocks are rugged and volcanic. The caves visible in the left hand photo were probably enlarged to use for military purposes, the mountainside has a number of fortificaions built at different times. There are around 103 steps up to the fortification below the caves.

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